The Dragon Tamer cards

Double HitBasicAttack2Dragon deals 8 (11) damage twice.
StrikeBasicAttack1Deal 6 (9) damage.
Switching TacticBasicSkill0(Retain.)Reverse ragontaer:Aggro. This turn, ALL enemies lose Strength equal to ragontaer:Aggro difference.
Target DefenseBasicSkill1The ragontaer:Front gains 5 (8) Block.
Hard SkinSpecialSkill1Retain. Dragon gains 12 (16) Block. Exhaust.
Bizarre TacticCommonSkill1You gain 10 (14) Block. Whenever Dragon is attacked this turn, deal 5 (8) damage back.
Blazing StrikeCommonAttack1Dragon deals 15 (20) damage. Add a Burn into your hand.
Break AttackCommonAttack1Deal 6 (8) damage. Apply 3 (5) Vulnerable. Exhaust.
Build UpCommonAttack1Deal 8 (10) damage. Next Attack card deals 4 (6) additional damage.
Burning EnergyCommonSkill0Gain [E] [E] ([E]). Add a Burn into your discard pile.
Cleansing StrikeCommonAttack1Deal 9 (12) damage. Exhaust 1 (2) random Status or Curse card(s) from anywhere.
Combo AttackCommonAttack1Deal 5 (7) damage. Dragon deals 5 (7) damage. Gain 1 ragontaer:Bonding.
CoverCommonSkill1The ragontaer:Rear gains 9 (13) Block. Draw 2 cards.
FeintCommonAttack0Randomly chosen: You deal 7 (10) damage or Dragon deals 7 (10) damage.
Flame SlashCommonAttack1Dragon deals 8 (12) damage to ALL enemies.
Heat WaveCommonAttack1Dragon deals 4 damage and apply 1 (2) Weak to ALL enemies.
HideCommonSkill2The ragontaer:Front gains 12 (16) Block. Next turn, gain [E].
Magic FieldCommonSkill1ALL creatures gain 9 (12) Block.
Master PlanCommonSkill1The ragontaer:Front gains 7 (9) Block. The ragontaer:Rear gains 9 (12) Block next turn.
PunisherCommonAttack1Deal 8 (10) damage. If the enemy has Weak, deal 8 (10) damage again.
Quick FlyCommonAttack1Innate. Dragon deals 9 (12) damage. Draw a card.
ThreatenCommonSkill0Innate. Dragon gains 4 (6) Block and apply 1 (2) Weak.
TrainingCommonSkill1 (0)You and Dragon gain 1 Strength each. Gain 1 ragontaer:Bonding.
WeakenCommonSkill0Apply 3 (5) Weak. Exhaust.
AdaptationUncommonPower0(Innate.)Whenever you shuffle your draw pile, put ALL Innate cards into your hand.
AstonishUncommonAttack0The ragontaer:Rear deals damage equal to 2 (3) times the ragontaer:Aggro difference.
Balanced StrikeUncommonAttack0Innate. Gain 8 (11) Block. Deal 8 (11) damage. Exhaust.
Blue ScaleUncommonSkill2Dragon gains 13 Block. Add a Hard Skin (*Skin+) into your hand.
Burning ForceUncommonAttack2Dragon deals 15 (20) damage. Deals 7 (10) additional damage for every Burn created this combat.
Calculated DefenseUncommonPower1Weakened enemies deal 2 (3) less damage to your team.
ConductUncommonSkill0If the ragontaer:Aggro difference is 5 or higher, draw 2 (3) cards.
CoolantUncommonSkill0Scry 5 (7). Exhaust any Status or Curse cards revealed.
Cross StepUncommonPower1(Innate.)Whenever your team ragontaer:Switch, gain [E].
Dark BreathUncommonAttack1Dragon deals 4 (5) damage twice and apply 1 (2) Vulnerable.
Deep FocusUncommonSkill1After 2 turns, You gain 5 (7) Strength.
DissolveUncommonPower1Add 2 Burns into your hand. At the end of each turn, Dragon gains 6 (8) Block.
Dragon DanceUncommonPower2Dragon gains 4 (6) Strength and 2 Dexterity.
Forked FireUncommonAttackXRepeat X times: Dragon deals 7 (9) damage to two random enemies.
Ghost SkinUncommonSkill0Dragon gains 1 Intangible. Dragon loses 3 (1) Dexterity. Exhaust.
HasteUncommonSkill0Play a (all) Power card(s) from your hand. Exhaust.
Invisible FlameUncommonPower1Whenever the ragontaer:Front attacks, deal 3 (5) damage to ALL enemies.
Last StandUncommonSkill1You gain 5 (10) Block. For this turn, You receive half damage from attacks. Exhaust.
Low KickUncommonAttack1Deal 9 (12) damage. Draw cards equal to the amount of Weak applied to the enemy.
Magician's MarkUncommonAttack1Deal 10 (13) damage. The next 4 (7) times Dragon attacks this enemy, gain 1 ragontaer:Bonding. Exhaust.
Maximum ChargeUncommonAttack2Dragon deals 30 (40) damage. Dragon gains 2 Vulnerable.
ObserveUncommonSkill1 (0)Innate. Gain [E] for every 6 cards in your draw pile.
OverwhelmUncommonSkill1Apply 2 Weak. All enemies lose HP equal to 3 (4) times their Weak.
Purifying FlameUncommonAttack1Dragon deals 9 (14) damage. Remove all debuffs from Dragon. Exhaust.
Reckless FlurryUncommonAttack1 (0)Choose the attacker. The attacker loses all Block and deals twice that much to ALL enemies.
Running TacticUncommonSkill1Draw 3 (4) cards. You gain 2 ragontaer:Aggro.
Shield DrainUncommonAttack1Steal all Block from the enemy. Deal 10 (13) damage.
ShiftUncommonSkill0Retain. The ragontaer:Rear (Choose one: You or Dragon) gains 7 ragontaer:Aggro. Exhaust.
Sneak AttackUncommonAttack1Can only be played if You are the ragontaer:Rear. Deal 4 (5) damage 4 times.
Star RainUncommonAttackXDeal 5 (7) damage X+1 times. This attack does not increase ragontaer:Aggro.
Tag TeamUncommonSkill1The ragontaer:Front gains 6 (9) Block. Gain 1 ragontaer:Bonding. If your team ragontaer:Switched this turn, all effects are doubled.
Taunting StrikeUncommonAttack1Choose one: Deal 10 (14) damage, or Dragon deals 10 (14) damage. The attacker ragontaer:Taunts that enemy.
Warm-UpUncommonPower1(Innate.)At the start of your turn, draw 1 additional card.
Echo TacticRareSkill1Copy a different card from your hand. Reduce its cost by 1 (2). Exhaust.
Excess FootworkRarePower1The ragontaer:Rear gains 4 (6) Dexterity.
Fiery SynthesisRareAttack0Dragon deals 6 (9) damage to ALL enemies. Convert all potions to ragontaer:Blaze_Potions.
Gear UpRareSkill1Add 2 Safety (*Safety+) and Hard Skin (*Skin+) into your hand. Exhaust.
HarmonizeRarePower1(Innate.)Whenever both You and Dragon attack in a single turn, gain 1 ragontaer:Bonding.
Head StartRareSkill0Innate. Choose one: Gain [E] [E] ([E]), or Draw 2 (3) cards. Exhaust.
InfernoRareAttack3Dragon deals 32 (40) damage to ALL enemies. Shuffle a Burn into your draw pile for each enemy.
Light ShieldRareSkill2You gain 14 (18) Block. Dragon gains 14 (18) Block. Costs 1 less [E] for each ragontaer:Bonding bonus you received this combat.
MultitaskRarePower1Draw 2 (3) cards whenever you do 2 of these: Create a Burn, apply Weak, or ragontaer:Switch.
Opening TacticRareAttack1Innate. If the enemy has full HP, Gain 1 Dexterity. Deal 11 (15) damage.
OutburstRareSkill1 (0)Dragon enters Wrath for 2 turns.
PredictionRareSkill1 (0)Choose a card from your draw pile and put it on top. It costs 0 until played.
Repeat StrikeRareAttack1(Innate.)Dragon deals 12 damage. At the start of each turn, return this from the discard pile to your hand.
Resonance FormRarePower3Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) Effects that give only one of your team Strength, Dexterity or Block now affect both.
SafeguardRarePower1(Innate.)The ragontaer:Rear no longer loses Block at the start of your turn.
Sealed StrikeRareAttack1Deal 10 (12) damage. Can be Upgraded 5 times. On 5th upgrade, Upgrade ALL cards in your deck.
Shadow ImageRarePower1Whenever You or Dragon attacks, the attacker gains 2 (3) Block.
Stun TrapRareSkill2 (1)After 2 turns, Stun the enemy and draw 3 cards. Exhaust.
Tri AttackRareAttack2Choose 3 times: You deal 6 (9) damage or Dragon deals 6 (9) damage.

The Dragon Tamer relics

Pact StoneStarterDt_orangeAt the start of each combat, You and Dragon gain 5Temporary_HP each.The evidence of your friendship.
Basic TextbookCommonDt_orangeIncrease the damage of Strike and Block from Target Defense by 2.Basic skills are the most important things to learn.
Ancient BoneUncommonDt_orangeAt the start of each combat, add a HardSkin into your hand.Essence of primal technology.
Dragon FoodUncommonDt_orangeAt the end of combat, Dragon heals 3 HP.It's delicious to humans too.
Tactical NoteUncommonDt_orangeAll cards containing "Tactic" have their effects boosted.Filled with practical advices.
Binding StringRareDt_orangeAt the start of your turn, if You and Dragon have the same ragontaer:Aggro, gain 2ragontaer:Bonding.The combination of two fighters is better when they are close.
Solid MemoriesRareDt_orangeAt the start of turn 2,Fetch a card from your discard pile. It costs 0 for the turn.The origin form of Liquid Memories.
Magic StoneBossDt_orangeReplaces PactStone. At the start of each combat, You and Dragon heal 7 HP. During combat, excess amount of healing is converted to Temporary_HP.The Pact Stone absorbed weird magic.
The ChairBossDt_orangeGain [E] at the start of your turn. On turn 1, you only draw Innate cards and cards in Bottle relics.This comfortable chair makes you energized, but switching from rest mode becomes harder. Unless you're talented.
Mind BenderShopDt_orangeWhen you play a card that let you choose the attacker, you may pick any enemy as the attacker.Banned outside of spire.
Odd ArmorShopDt_orangeOn odd-numbered turns, Dragon takes 2 less damage from attacks. On even-numbered turns, You take 2 less damage from attacks.Because it looks odd, people don't want to wear it even though it's powerful.
Switch ButtonShopDt_orangeOnce per combat, right click to activate. You and Dragon swaps ragontaer:Aggro.Do NOT touch this button!

The Dragon Tamer keywords

AggroWhenever You or Dragon attacks, the attacker gains 1 Aggro. The character with higher Aggro becomes the Front, taking all attacks.
Blaze PotionA potion which deals 40 damage to an enemy.
BondingWhenever your team gains 5Bonding, choose 1 of 3 random bonuses. Only works while Dragon is alive.
FrontThe character marked with Front Marker. All enemies attack the Front.
RearThe character in your team without the Front Marker.
SwitchThe Front becomes the Rear, and vice versa. Switch happens when the Aggro of the Rear becomes higher than the Front.
TauntWhen an enemy is Taunted, it will always attack the Taunter, not the Front. Taunt lasts for 1 turn.

The Dragon Tamer creatures

the Dragon TamerPlayer41-45